In these times we find ourselves in an ever increasing turmoil as a whole on this planet. So many years have gone by without notice. Too many times have been lost without notice. And after all is said and done to what end has it brought us? We find ourselves facing down many different potential realities. Threats of nuclear war, biological terror, economic collapse, misinformation, and false doctrines amongst many more things. We are at the precipice of magnificent and terrifying change for the population of the world.
Beginning of Collapse
We find ourselves in the beginning times for the coming collapse of many different things. The powers to be that hold onto their control over every aspect of human life on this planet are starting to notice that they are losing grip of the reality that they fought so hard to create. Governments who have reigned not for the good of humanity but for the purpose of serving deities or extra terrestrials who’s motives do not serve humanities greater good will also see themselves lose control.
Churches who’s doctrine serves the church organization rather than the congregation or people itself. Those churches who reign with their establishment of authorities as their top priority will collapse. All of the churches who claim to serve the Father and Christ yet behind closed doors aspire to usurp or destroy Father and his kingdom. Any of those who pronounce the good word yet secretly lay with adversarial forces and worship evil. All of which will see the collapse slither upon their door step. All of these will not be spared from the time of revelations which has begun.
In the smaller arenas there will be turmoil as well. Those who transpire against humanity in their daily lives or in their small gatherings will also find themselves fall victim of the collapse if they do not change their ways. Those who in a small group or an individual level find themselves commiting sins against their fellow man will feel wrath as well. Those who know Truth yet refuse it and spit in the face of the Father or piss on the teachings of the Son will also accrue the wrath of the Kingdom. For in all things The Father and The Son have came to teach the way of the Kingdom to the world of Man. Yet here with these times upon them they sit idly bye or hasten their treacherous works.
The time has come that the Father pulls his presence from those who are all unworthy. To revoke his presence from the establishments of men who do not serve humbly and with aid in their hearts. The time has come that The Lamb no longer intercedes for the unworthy. Spirits cackle and they say “Fear the day that the Lamb no longer intercedes. Fear even more the day of the wrath of The Lamb!” as they fly onward to their victims whom themselves are agents of strife.
Those who have brought themselves against The Son of The Father will not find forgiveness. The beginning of the collapse has begun and the times of change are upon us.
Hope For Humanity
With all this said those who are innocent and with pure intention will find themselves forgiven for the deceptions they fell prey too. It is not their own fault that they have fallen prey the craftiness of deceit. They will find themselves enveloped in the unconditional love that our Father provides and that which his Son shows as well.
There is time even now for those who have not changed their ways to still ask for forgiveness and if it is found that truly in their hearts that they seek forgiveness and change from their ways then they will be sought out by our Father and his administering Angels.
All authorities who believe or pronounce their established doctrines are the way to God and they do not serve the better interest of man; will meet collapse. So rejoice for the judgments of the Churches of men hold no authority over you and proclaim falsely the authority of God and the authority of The Son. For only the Church of God has true claim to that authority.
The people of this world forget quickly that the Church is the people not the organization or the building itself. Those who gather in the name of God or The Son truly will find grace. This is a meeting of people not authorities. Father alone chooses who his authorities on the Earth are. Not the Church. Feel relife that the judgments of the False Church are not the Judgments of the God and Christ.
Seek out The Father in all things you do. Seek out the Kingdom of Heaven in all things you do. Seek out the betterment of man in all things you do. For the time is upon us and the unworthy reign over the meek. The inheritance of the Kingdom is the legacy of Christ. All those who seek these things in all corners of the earth will rejoice with The Father.
Desperate Grasps
You will see fear beset the Control of this world. They will lash out in a gnashing of teeth as they die. They will grasp at the cloth of your belt to drag you in or pull themselves out. Do not fear as these are the final strokes of those who maintain control. For in all things Control does not equate Power. For power they lack and fear is their catalyst.
Prepare yourselves for the hardened times that beset us. Prepare yourselves for the onslaught of desperation that comes for the Worthy. Prepare food for The Lord as his time has come. Seek not the control of this plane but do seek the comfort of the King of Kings. For his Wrath is cold and his Anger is calculating. For the Hosts of Heaven find themselves prepared and able. Their wrath follows suit with that of The Father and The Lamb
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